Saturday, May 12, 2007

New Accomplishment

Due to my new-found obsession with the New Super Mario Brothers game for my DS, I have not blogged in some time. Granted, this is a ridiculous thing to obsess with, but that's my life. Don't ask me how much I've read my Bible or something else good for my brain...just ask me if I beat the Super Mario game...

the answer is:


I have finally beat the game! The last level served as a great challenge, but I finally got through the entire game. Now, I still have to get into the 7th level, which is a hidden level, but I'll get there eventually.

This game just takes me back to my childhood when Nintendo was the cool new thing. I'm really enjoying the new upgrades to the game such as being gi-normous and stomping on everything (which by the way, is how you can easily beat the final level). You can easily warp into other worlds and then go back to where you were. It's pretty neat. Not to mention the other mini-games they also have outside of the classic Mario Bros. game.

Other things I've done since I last blogged have been:
-helped take care of my grandma...she fell and broke her hip and wrist. She'll be coming home on Tuesday finally. I just hope she's ready and can take care of herself while she's home.'s almost done and then the SUMMER TIME hits. I'm afraid I might be bored this summer at work though.
-watched a couple movies including Blades of Glory (hysterical) and Spider Man 3 (pretty good).

Things I haven't done but should have:
-worked out all...
-read any books
-spring cleaning of clothes

I hope to balance my life out a bit now that I don't have the temptation of Super Mario Bros. on my mind.



Jimmy Bollinger said...

Nice! I'm a big fan of Nintendo too. In fact, you'll like this . . .I'm taking a Gamecube down to Bolivia for Rachel/Chicho ;-). It ought to provide hours of hilarious entertainment. Mario Kart here we come!

Garret said...

seriously... that is awesome and i am jealous.