Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer Fun

I've recently remembered a couple things that I love to do during the summer that I've been missing out on:

1. Riding my bike! It's been ages since I've taken the ol' Schwinn out for a spin. I'm totally stoked to take her out in the beautiful summer weather!!

I might even set a goal for myself to ride it to work and back...that may be later in the summer, but it'd be cool to be able to do!

2. Playing with frisbees! Now, these have become my favorite discs to throw around in the yard. They fly fast and far, and are fairly easy to catch! Just check out the link to get one online.

Perhaps I'll get good enough to run around and play on a team again!

The best thing about the summer is being able to play outside for hours on end and the weather just be perfectly warm! I'm so glad the piles of snow are a vague memory, and my spirits aren't dampened by the ice, snowflakes, and coldness in the air!

Thanks God, for the SUN! Thanks God, for Your SON! Our lives are infinitely brighter with these two things...we'd die without them both.

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