Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Amazingness Around Me

Do you ever sit and look at how AMAZING the people around you are. I mean, you go to work, church, the gym, etc. and there are people all around. It seems impossible that we'd forget the awesomeness that God puts into each and everyone of us...but we do.

I know this family....ahem, the Shelstas...and they are all pretty much the most amazing family I've ever seen (aside from my own, of course...and all those other amazing families I've seen). Anyhow, the moms and pops of the familia are so stinkin' cool--they traveled the world as young adults, stayed rooted in their faith, and performed with Up With People for YEARS.

Then, they went on to get married and have 5, yes count 'em, 5 children!

Starting with their youngest, Taylor...he just rocks my socks. Every time I see him, he yells my name and greets me with a huge wave or thumbs up. I pretty much think God created wonderfully talented, hilarious, compassionate young man all wrapped up in Mr. Taylor. He loves pirates and colors/draws sweet pictures.

Then you go to Brenna...who can wail and sing like none other! I mean, that girl brings down the house with soul! Her genuine spirit transforms the heart with love and spirit....not to mention, she's as cute as a button! She makes you think more about who Jesus is and how He can be apart of your life every day. She's traveled (and is currently traveling with Up With People too!)

The family continues to Cass who is going to be an astounding teacher (I can just tell). She always gives me a hug to say hello, and she makes you laugh with your whole body when she gets rollin'! She'll be going with UWP soon to join the family legacy of performers and inspirational motivators.

Jared is wicked cool and has gotten the UWP vibe too. He gets to be a techie in the cast...lights, design, sound, etc. This fella also has a touch of humor blessed upon him (which is a total understatement).

And Mr. Garret (who is married to the beautiful Aubrey). When someone can articulate all the skepticism of the Church without being declared a heretic, you've got talent! I mean, we all search our souls and find doubt in what we see on Sundays. However, it's not always so easy to describe and explain where that doubt stems from...not to mention calling folks out on the stuff that sucks. I pretty much think this song captivates the mind and heart when it comes to pastorship. CHECK IT OUT! (P.S. don't misunderstand me, I said CHECK IT OUT, so.....DO IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you joy... that is extremely kind.