Monday, September 03, 2007

Trip to the South

This weekend, I got to visit the South for the very first time. It was a very new I will never forget. For starters, I felt like I experienced more diversity than I had my whole life as a Latina in Colorado! It was great! Being in the Bible Belt gives me the hankerin' (a.k.a. desire) for some Southern humor...

I started my trip in Alabama...which included driving by the famous Talladega Speedway. Driving by, I saw what seemed to be the world's largest American flag. I estimated size of the flag's stars is about the size of my Saturn Ion. It was gi-normous!

The other thing I observed about the South is the number of fast food restaurants. It was kinda gross. I mean, I'll get a burger now and then, but it was a little ridiculous the number of Wendy's, KFCs, and Waffle Houses I passed!

My journey then took me into Georgia. The city of Atlanta was beautiful to drive thorugh at night. The lighted buildings were my favorite. Although this is not one of my own photos, what I saw looked very similar to this! I got to have dinner and a funky bar called American Pie...not exactly gourmet, but funny! The music selection was extremely diverse...from rap, hip-hop, pop, and then onto country.

As I was driving through these two states, I listened to and scanned the radio stations. By far, this was one of the most significant differences between Colorado and the South that I experienced. When I realized that the whole "accent" thing was, in fact, REAL, I started laughing to myself. I was kinda embarrassed for the poor guy disc-jockeying on this ALICE-like station. He truly sounded like a Hill Billy because of his accent. He didn't sound uneducated or anything like that, but he sounded as though he came from a movie!

My time in the South was short, flanked by First Class flights (which was totally an exciting perk flying standby). I enjoyed my little snack box when the rest of the flight just had pretzels. I could get used to those perks! *wink, wink* (Unfortunately, my long flight to Egypt will not be livin' it up...but the trip is approaching fast!) I was not a fan of the humidity and heat, but enjoyed the huge green trees everywhere, especially in Alabama. I got to hang with an old friend and make fabulous new ones.

As I approached the Birmingham Airport, getting ready to turn in my rental car, the most serendipitous moment occurred. With the radio blaring, I ended my stay in Alabama with a Southern classic: Sweet Home Alabama! It was glorious! Not that I'm ready to call Alabama home (I'm very far from that), but the moments of coincidence are always amusing to observe.

1 comment:

Manda Panda said...

you crack me up! I just love this blog