Friday, June 29, 2007


Well, I've been talking for sometime now, of how I wanted to visit my friend in Egypt. Finally, today, I took the plunge and spent the bucks on my ticket to Cairo!! I'm soooooo excited!

Um, I am still in shock!! I can't believe it! I have wanted to go to Giza, Cairo, etc. since I was a child, milling over ancient history books. I sat in awe and wonder at the ancient language engraved in tombs made up of symbols.

Oh how exciting!


solnechko said...

wow cool! when do you set sail?

Joy Vigil said...

Sept. 30th - Oct. 10th!!! I'm so excited. Hopefully it won't be as hot as it is right now...although Colorado's been just as hot lately!

Jimmy Bollinger said...

Great Joy! Hopefully Sarah will stay there long enough that I can visit too!

Now you can start saving up for your return visit to Trinidad ;-)