It's been forever since I blogged regularly, so I'm going to try to pick it up again. New things that have been happening are all actually pretty here we go!
1. My mom has *finally* allowed 32 years of working at Adams County come to an end with retirement! I am so excited for her, and I'm excited for the possibilities she has to look forward to! She has yet to decide what she's going to do with her time and where she'll start working next...but it's still exciting. Her last day is March 23rd, and she can't be more than ecstatic to be moving onto new things!
2. My parents are also celebrating 30 years of marriage! Another biggie for the month of March...can we say fiesta?
3. Things at work have been going well. I'm working on creating and uploading information on our new website. I've been named the site's administrator...and even though it's a ton of work, it makes me feel so good to have it coming along nicely. (Blogging has actually made it possible for me to conceptualize the 'how to' behind creating a website. So props and thanks to Blogger.)
4. Working at the school has given me the opportunity to help folks who need translation. This is by far one of the coolest things I get to do during my hectic days (that and seeing kids get busted). hehehe...I probably have that social justice streak in me still.
5. I'm a fan of my Nintendo DS game system. I bought a new game yesterday, and I totally love it! I'm playing "The Need for Speed CARBON." I love racing games as well as Skipbo.
6. My new baby cousin Isa is as beautiful as ever! She's starting to get that double chin that most well-feed babies get. She's starting to stay awake more during the day, so it's great to see her do more than just sleep. I love her cute little smile...not to mention the funny little grunting noises she makes! They're adorable.
All in all, things are going alright for me. I am feeling a little strained for time..but that's nothing new! Life in the world of Joy is always pressed for time! :-)
what are you translating?
espanol of course! :-)
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