Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So, I've spent the weekend getting progressively more sick as we approached the work week. So, I decided to call in and not try to force it on Monday. Then today came...I was so optimistic to go to work this morning. I did my thing, got ready, picked up Isaiah, and we went in to school. I didn't even last two hours. It's just wonderful when your co-workers come up to you and say, "You don't look so good," or, "Why are you here today?" I left shortly thereafter.

I think the worst part of it is feeling icky while simulatenously being absolutely bored. I can only play so much on my Nintendo DS before going blind. Oprah was good today though. Ultimately I just want my regular routine back.

I'm loaded on the cold meds in hopes of getting better soon...but no promises there. Lots of people around me is sick (padres, cousin, kids, roommate), so I don't feel like I can escape. I should have jumped on a plane where it's hot last weekend!

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