Sunday, December 17, 2006

Retreat @ Mother Cabrini Shrine

This weekend, I got to spend an awesome weekend on retreat with some fellow young adults at Mother Cabrini Shrine outside of Golden. The weekend was incredible, and I'm still having a hard time capturing the 'why' behind its wonderfulness. Mostly, simply stated, it's Jesus that made the weekend incredible. Being in His Holy presence before the eucharist during adoration always makes my heart rush with gladness. My heart literally beats faster, and I am drawn to seeing His face, listening to His voice, and feeling His embrace. It's such a beautiful experience! If you've not ever gone to adoration, I highly recommend it!

I got to pray so initimately with my's amazing to be so close to Him again. After a long time of distance between myself and my Creator, I was able to re-connect with Him again. I was able to tell Him, "I love you..." It's made me be passionate about His Word again.

I can breathe deeply and know that I am loved by the Creator of the universe.

What a glorious feeling!

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