Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Tree Cutting

I got to participate in a Christmas Tree-cutting event this weekend (my first time EVER!)....and it was WONDERFUL! I had such a blast with the Dolph's and a few other families from church. We drove up into the mountains, found a spot to park on the side of the road, and hiked up a big ol' mountain to find our tree.

My favorite part of the day was getting to slide down the mountain (about 30 yards)! It's great when you get all bundled up from head to toe and play in the snow. I'm never a fan of getting cold, so this was surprisingly FUN! We had yummy chili and hot cocoa to warm us up! I had never participated in such a fun activity before! We managed to bring home a 15 foot tree (which probably started off closer to 38 feet tall). There was lots of chopping that happened to get it to fit on the Suburban! Matt worked very hard to get the perfect tree. The kids played up and down the mountain sliding and enjoying the day. I'm so grateful for the wonderful weather during our tree-cutting excursion. Hopefully this will be a tradition I can start with folks in years to come!

I was really cute though...my godson, Isaiah, asked for a Christmas tree in his room this year. It just made me laugh at how precious these little ones are! He said he just wanted a small one to put in his room for him and his brother! It was adorable!

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