Saturday, November 28, 2015

How to Make Hand-Painted Signs

I used my Michael's coupons to get wooden signs very inexpensively! So, I had to decide what to do with them. So I'm making a variety of signs to sell at a local craft sale. 
Here's my technique and supplies:
Wooden signs
Sayings printed on paper
Ball-point pen
Charcoal sticks
Acrylic paints and brushes

Start by painting the signs with the desired color. 
While that dries, color the backside of the paper with printed sayings with charcoal. I only colored the printed areas. 
Flip the page over onto your sign. You can tape it down if needed. Then using a ball-point pen, outline the words of the printed sheet so the charcoal transfers to the sign. 
Using the acrylic paints, fill in the letters. This does take a steady hand, but looks great. 
After a couple of mini touch-ups, I can see the final product on a little girl's treehouse or bedroom door. 

I did another one for a laundry room sign as well. This sign came painted white already. 
When it's dry, I will outline this sign with a thin Sharpie marker to make it stand out more. 

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