The List Begins...I am so thankful for:
1. The Lord Jesus Christ for giving me life, for loving me, for saving me.
2. My family, not only my parents (Bob &; Janette) and sister (Amanda), but my grandparents (Emma & Fred), aunts and uncles (Paula & Frank, Abe & Cris, Geno & Susan), first cousins (Victoria & Joe, Victor, Sam, Nick, and Andrew), second cousins (Isaiah, Jacob, and Isabel). Each and everyone one of these people are near and dear to my heart. They make up the fabric of who I am and where I've come from, and for this I give thanks.
(This is Isaiah's First Holy Communion!)
3. Friends near and far who I've met during the various stages of my life. Without each of them, I would not see the world with such wide-open eyes.
4. Being able to travel so much this year. Some of the trips were planned, others were spur of the moment! This year I got to go to the following locations:
- Washington, D.C. in January for the Inauguration
- Atlanta, GA in March for Sarah's Birthday and a FeRVOR concert. I had to leave Denver in a was scary, but made it okay!
- Washington, D.C. in September for the Eucharistic Congress. I met so many amazing women during this retreat!
Each of these trips gave me moments of joys and great memories for which I am very grateful.
5. Being able to walk alongside some of the coolest teens this year. We've done several studies including Theology of the Body, Blue Like Jazz, and Epic Church History. We've done community service, attended Steubenville of the Rockies, and prayed across the local high schools. They all continue to teach me so much, and I pray that I am doing the same for them. I hope to be a reflection of Christ to each of them--to love them as He sees them and loves them. A shot out to: MF, EF, ES, MS, ES, and MB--you all ROCK!
6. The opportunity to start up new endeavors such as a photo-a-day blog with my good friend Sarah. We call it Resplendent Awakening. It has been really cool to start documenting my life daily in a way through this blog. It has given me a new perspective and for this, I am thankful.
7. Getting to go to some very cool performances this year:
- Star Wars in Concert-I didn't realize how much of a fan I was! While I was there, I saw so many people I knew--it was hysterical!
- Wicked the Musical-again, another thing to give me tremendous perspective on how to not judge something by its outward appearance.
8. Being able to help others via community service, monetary donations, and even hair donations! Locks of Love received a 10 inch pile of my hair this year!
9. Being able to work at The Academy. Not only am I thankful for a job in general, I am thankful for all of the fun people I work with--as well as my students. Teaching 7th graders this year has been new and an absolute blessing!
(Here's some of us playing scooter basketball!)
10. Getting to continue this journey known as LIFE. This year, we lost those we love very dearly and they are not forgotten. But even more than that, I carry on with hope--knowing that God will continue to place us in the palm of His Mighty Hand to carry us on this journey. He makes us strong when in reality, we are weak. He fills us with the Breath of Life that can only come from Him. In Christ Jesus, I remain...Joyful!
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