Here's me as catcher...my official duty during the season because I wasn't so skilled at any other position. I did catch a few pop-flies during the season!
The entire experience was a blast and I loved getting to know more people in the Denver area my own age!
I've made all kinds of videos lately...a couple for The Academy, another for my Grandpa's surprise 78th birthday party in Rocky Ford. It's always so weird going back to RF. It's like jumping in a time machine and looking at how people lived 30 years ago. Most of the time, you'd never guess it was 2008 when you visit aside from an occasional '08 vehicle. My sweet grandpa LOVES ferris wheels. He rides one with my sister, Amanda, every chance he gets. He told her during this ride it's his favorite because as a kid, this was the first amusement ride he ever rode. The joy in his eyes is perfectly captured right here!
Other things up and coming:
ToBy as I like to call it is starting September 6th...for those of you unfamiliar with the Theology of the Body, JPII gave his weekly Wednesday speech on his views regarding the bodies given to us by God. It's an amazingly insightful redefinition of sexuality and culture. I'm very excited and honored to be leading a teen rendition at church this fall. Please, pray for me in this!
I'm sadden to see the Olympics in Beijing come to an end...so many amazing stories of triumph, hard work, and unity have emerged. Although the time of spotlight on China is coming to an end, I implore you...please continue to pray for China and her inhabitants. May the grace of Jesus Christ reign over this gi-normous country.
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