Saturday, February 02, 2008

Egypt Pics...Finally

Back in October, I got to spend an amazing week in Cairo with my friend Sarah. It was so awesome to see all of the details of her life. Although, the heat was definitely a factor, it was also stunning to see the "Things of Old" (i.e. Coptic churches, The Pyramids, Valley of the Kings, etc.). Things are just really OLD there!! It's fantastic! Nothing compares to the "old" stuff we have here in the States!

I also found it very amusing that I kept on being mistaken for Arab. It was pretty cool. Everyone would ask me, "Do you speak Arabic?" and I'd respond, "La-a" which is "no" in Arabic. They'd all laugh and laugh.

I found the people to be warm and lovely. The culture is obvious very different than the little bubble I live in, but that's what makes a traveling experience so great! They don't stand in lines, personal space is non-existent, and everything from McDonald's to the local restaurant delivers! When ordering an Oreo McFlurry be sure to say it with an accent, or else they won't understand what you want!

Click on the link to see pics from Egypt as well as all of my other travels!

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