Thursday, December 28, 2006

Blizzard #2

It's kinda crazy when lots of snow comes in and you're stuck in your house. It's even crazier when it happens twice in a year (much less 2 weeks!). So, here we are again, in the middle of a massive, slow-moving, snow storm/blizzard.

I went to get gas before the storm started, and it was nearly impossible to get into any gas station without a major wait. Then, I stopped by the grocery store as the storm began and I was startled at how bare most of the store was. Take a look at these pics:There was no bread to be found in the entire grocery store! Trucks haven't been coming in because of the first storm...and the ones that have come in definitely didn't have enough to keep the shelves stocked. It was a little alarming to think about. I mean, compared to something like Hurricane Katrina, we're not in a life or death situation here folks! This is just a snow storm.

However, I do have to mention, the news reported that when the snow started melting (like the last two days before it started snowing again) they had found a couple of men who were dead under the snow! They had heart attacks while shoveling their snow and no one knew they were missing. The tragedy of such an occurance must be horrible.

So, everyone, please stay safe...say prayers for those who do not have shelter, have gotten their cars stuck, or what have you. Let us provide for those who need our aide.

It is pretty though:

1 comment:

solnechko said...

Wow... that's SO crazy!!! You're right, it's crazy to think of empty shelves in our grocery stores... we're so used to having everything at our disposal! I guess in times like these, you realize how much we depend on others to take care of us! We're not self-sufficient at all! We think we're independent because we just go out and buy whatever we need... but as soon as no one is there to sell it to us we don't know what to do!

Is the snow still high? Or has it all melted now? We had a bad blizzard here on dec. 7... the worst in 30 years... it was CRAZY but then 4 days later it all melted and since then we've had no snow! it was a green christmas!

happy new year!